Eight Zhong 8 Beatrice Chou

Picture Books

        Last Wednesday, we had a special class in the afternoon. The teacher of the class is Professor Lee, a young lady from a famous university. We felt really excited about the class.

        The class was interesting. Professor Lee¡¦s topic was ¡§Reading and Having Fun with Picture Books.¡¨ Picture books are one of my favorite kinds of books, so I was interested in the topic and paid attention in class. Professor Lee was friendly and interesting. She taught us many things about picture books, like the different feelings we get from the color we see. She also shared her favorite picture books with us. She let us discuss our favorite picture book and share our opinions. We had a great time with Professor Lee.

        I learned a lot about picture books. I know that they aren¡¦t only books for kids, but also books to make everybody, even adults, happy. I hope that we¡¦ll have more chances to have classes like this in the future.




Eight Xiou 3 Jenny Lee

Picture Books

        On April 20th, we listened to a speech by Professor Lee, who had graduated from Wego. Her topic was Reading and Having Fun with Picture Books.¡¨

        At first, when I saw the topic of the speech, I thought it would be a boring afternoon. But when I saw the speaker, I changed my mind. She was so energetic! She first told us that reading picture books wasn¡¦t just fun for kids, even adults could have a lot of fun from reading them because some picture books are very meaningful. Later, she showed us many different kinds of picture books. All of them were very interesting. Even just looking at the pictures was a lot of fun. Although I have read some of the picture books before, it was still nice to see them again. I had a good time.

        Reading all kinds of books, including novels, nonfiction, science fiction, or picture books, is fun for me. Picture books aren¡¦t just designed for children, but also for adults. Adults may think that reading picture books again and again can help them recall their childhood memories.

        I really enjoy reading picture books. Next time when I go to a bookstore, I¡¦ll go to the picture books section first!





Eight Ei 11 Yu-Hang Ling

Picture Books

        Last Wednesday, the school invited Professor Lee to deliver a speech about enjoying reading picture books. She gave the speech all in English. We all enjoyed her speech.

        When I first saw the topic of the speech, I felt it was very funny because I thought picture books are only for young children. Those books aren¡¦t suitable for people our age or even older. However, Professor Lee has changed my opinion. She told us the story behind picture books. She even brought a lot of picture books for us to read. It was amazing! Different characters, different colors and different styles, there is a lot to learn from picture books. I couldn¡¦t keep my eyes off them!

        After the speech, I still want to read more picture books because it¡¦s interesting. Although I¡¦m a junior high school student, I can still remember my childhood when I read my first picture book.