Theory History Future Facilities Activities Overseas Links C.I.T

 Physical Classes

Because wildernes training and education Originated abroad, foreigner teacher training, styles, and influence is highly regarded. Through the team working strategy, students are quickly able to complete learning objectives and goals.

The break down of larger groups into smaller teams makes the student to teacher relationships more intimate and foreign teachers are good at making a fun and optimistic environment that influences the students to try. Therefore, when students are willing to try, they will conquer their fear and difficulties. Previously, there have been teachers from Sweden, New Zealand, South Africa, USA, etc. Under the influence of the foreign teachers, students not only learn outdoor skills, but gain many more opportunities to approach foreign cultures. English will naturally become an important tool for communication and life.

Nature Classes

Teacher’s degrees and backgrounds are related to nature and plants such as livestock, forestry, biology, horticulture, etc. Each teacher has their own specialty within their degree to help develop different components of our course. Every year, Counselors in Training (CITs) or alumni return to help at the WEGO Mountain Program. These former students, after getting comprehensive training, use their accumulated experiences and the professional knowledge learned at college to become indispensable members of our program.






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